

 *THOSE WHO CROWN KINGS DO NOT LOOK LIKE KINGS ; BEWARE !!!* There was this poor  man who *wrote a book at the age of 40* and decided to launch it on his Birthday. He had no money to fund the launching and so, *he decided to seek help from a millionaire* in his community. He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries,he told his host what brought him. The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen. He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money" He then told him to write down the names of 10  people who could give him 10k each for his book during the launch. Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names. Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something.. It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship. It was a wise man that said, *your network is directly proportion...


 One day, a young beautiful African lady qualified from the university and began her career as an accountant. A bright future lay before her and she had planned to achieve many things for herself. One day, the traditional king of that country spotted her on one of his outings. He desired to marry her and offered her a chance to become his official queen. This lady had a tough choice to make because taking up that position would mean that she would give up her career. It would also mean that she would become one of several women who would be wives to the king. She would also lose her privacy and her ability to see her friends and family as often as she was used to. She would not even have her bath on her own anymore because she would always have maids and guards waiting on her. To everyone's amazement she gave up her career, her ambitions, her friends, her privacy, and the assurance of being the only wife of her husband. Her only advantage was going to be that she would be the offic...


There was a wealthy man from Maon who owned property near the village of Carmel. He had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats, and it was sheep-shearing time. This Man's name was Nabal, and his wife, Abigail, was a sensible and beautiful woman. But Nabal, a descendant of Caleb, was mean and dishonest in all his dealings. (1 Samuel 25:1-3) Marriage is a desirable gift from God. But not everyone can handle the institute of marriage. Mama Funke says, "marriage is sweet but depending on the cutlery you use to eat it." To start with, what is marriage? Who instituted marriage? Who's qualified to be married? All these questions will be answered briefly.  Marriage is an institution ordained by God during the creation of Adam and Eve. Genesis 2:24 NIV describes what marriage is all about. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.  By this scripture, marriage is designed for man, not boys. Therefore, It...


Remember Lot's wife! Luke 17:32 There are a times we become so busy in our daily routine that we forget that the rising of each day draws us closer to the coming of the Lord. So, Luke addresses us in his book, in the chapter 17, to see how judgement came upon Sodom, and so shall be when Christ shall returned. And how Lot's wife had the opportunity to be saved but lost it. I pray for you, you will not lose your salvation in Jesus name. In order not to lose your salvation there are 5 major lessons to remember from Lot's wife: 1. To remember Lot's wife is to remember that Lot's wife had a great opportunity to be saved : Lot and his wife lived in Sodom. Lot's wife had the opportunity to avoid death and to live with a righteous man. Salvation came to the house of Lot that day just as salvation is coming to your house today.  Genesis 19:15-16  And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here;...


The best thing you could give someone is a gift of CHANCE. Chance they say, is an opportunity to do something. Many people have a great opportunity to go to Heaven, but waste the opportunity. Luke 6:12-16  One of these days Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: Simon(whom he named Peter), his brother, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.  Judas had an opportunity to go to heaven because he was called out by name. Just like Judas, Jesus Christ is calling you out by name and giving you a chance to be saved. Do not lose the opportunity to go to heaven, and do not go to hell because you have the greatest opportunity of your life to be saved today. Beloved, do not lose your opportunity by allowin...


Barak told her,"I will go, but only if you will go with me!" "Very well," she replied, "I will go with you. But since you have made this choice, you will receive no honour. For the LORD'S victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman". So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh. (Judges 4:8-9) In this story, a woman was given the opportunity to take the honour from a man. A man's job fell into the hands of a woman! Here is privilege a woman had to take up the role of leadership and the challenge to do man's work.  This is what is happening in the family today. There are many men who have relegated their responsibilities as leaders and spiritual heads. Women are doing the things men are supposed to do. And I am happy to say women are doing these jobs very well. There are Deborahs who are ready to take the honour and win battles for the Lord.  What the Baraks cannot do, God has raised up Deborahs to do. When they get their hands to the plough, th...