Remember Lot's wife! Luke 17:32 There are a times we become so busy in our daily routine that we forget that the rising of each day draws us closer to the coming of the Lord. So, Luke addresses us in his book, in the chapter 17, to see how judgement came upon Sodom, and so shall be when Christ shall returned. And how Lot's wife had the opportunity to be saved but lost it. I pray for you, you will not lose your salvation in Jesus name. In order not to lose your salvation there are 5 major lessons to remember from Lot's wife: 1. To remember Lot's wife is to remember that Lot's wife had a great opportunity to be saved : Lot and his wife lived in Sodom. Lot's wife had the opportunity to avoid death and to live with a righteous man. Salvation came to the house of Lot that day just as salvation is coming to your house today. Genesis 19:15-16 And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here;...